Officer Dispute Management

The Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council (PHSDSBC), promotes labour peace and collective bargaining in the public health and social development sector. We seek to appoint individuals who are conversant with the policy and legislative framework that governs the Public Service Labour Relations arena with particular reference to the health and social development sector.

The Council invites suitable persons to apply for the following position based in Centurion, Pretoria.

Position : Officer Dispute Management
Reference : DM002/06/21
Basic salary : R 332 314.00 per annum
Benefits : Provident Fund; Medical Aid; Housing allowance and 13th cheque
Duration : Permanent

Purpose of the post: To render an efficient and effective dispute management by ensuring adherence to prescribed turnaround times and compliance to norms and standards in a prompt and expeditious manner.

Reporting line: The position reports to the Manager: Dispute Management.

Key Performance Areas:

  • To maintain an efficient and effective management of disputes, by ensuring 100% compliance with the prescribed statutory and non-statutory turnaround times, norms and standards.
  • Coordinating the quarterly Dispute Management Committee meetings.
  • To ensure 100% compliance on labour court orders and the facilitation of dispute management applications, including CCMA monthly subsidies.
  • To ensure panellist comply with all variables outlined in the monitoring tool and vetting standards.
  • To eliminate dispute resolution backlog cases and conduct verifications on monthly accruals.
  • To conduct outreach and training on dispute prevention and dispute resolution processes.
  • To prepare and present the dispute management reports in all structures of the Council including mini–Annual General Meetings (AGM) preceding the Council AGM.

The position is suited for a dynamic, self-motivated professional who has proven knowledge in the field of Dispute Resolution and/or Labour Relations. Candidates should have a grade 12 (Matric), plus a 3-year degree/ diploma in Labour Relations or Labour Law. The candidates must have a minimum of three (3) years’ proven experience in Dispute Resolution or Labour Relations administration and management. Experience in scheduling of cases in the Case Management System (CMS) will be an added advantage.

To be considered for the position:
The candidate must have sound knowledge and understanding of public service labour law, as well as good interpersonal, communication and writing skills, numerical skills and ability to work under pressure with strict deadlines.

Enquiries for the abovementioned position must be directed to the Human Resource Officer at 012 765 5100.

Applications must be accompanied by an application letter, concise CV with three (3) contactable references and certified copies of qualifications must be clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL” to the General Secretary.

Postal Address: P.O. Box 11467, Centurion, 0046 or hand delivered to PHSDSBC’s Offices Block E on 260 Basden Avenue, Lyttleton, Centurion or emailed to:

Closing date for applications is 06 August 2021, and no late applications will be accepted.

Note: Appointment will be made at sole discretion of the PHSDSBC. It will also be expected of the successful candidate after interviews to undergo competency assessments in line with the position requirements and on appointment to sign a performance contract.

Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates for an interview only. Candidates who have not been contacted within 30 days may assume that they have not been considered for an interview and are hereby thanked for applying.

The Public Health Social Development and Sectoral Bargaining Council is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment and intends to promote representivity and achieving affirmative in all occupational levels, targets as contemplated in the Employment Equity Act, 1998.