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International Nurses Day

12 May was chosen to be celebrated as International Nurses Day, as it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Nursing is not for the faint-hearted; nurses and midwives welcome us into the world, help us to stay for as long as possible and often comfort us in the end. Nurses play a key role in all of our medical institutions, being responsible for the welfare, safety and recovery of patients.

Nurses have an enormous amount of knowledge and diverse skills which they spend years perfecting and developing, while working in tough environments where extreme stress is part of the job. Nurses help bring new life into the world, care tirelessly for the sick and injured, and sometimes have to watch the patients they do everything to save, pass away despite their best efforts. The Council extends a big, Thank You, to acknowledge the hard work, long hours, and sacrifice that are a part of the lives of nurses.

In everything that we do, we believe in giving hope and restoring dignity.