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Collective Bargaining Overview


collective agreements2
  1. Any party to the Council may submit written proposals for the conclusion of a collective agreement on any matter of mutual interest or to amend an existing agreement.
  2. The party submitting a proposal must submit it to the General Secretary of the Council, together with a motivation for the proposal, and must attach any relevant documentation to the proposal.
  3. Within seven (7) days of the submission of the proposals the General Secretary must serve copies of the proposals on the parties to the Council.
    • The Executive Committee must set the agenda of the next meeting of the Council. Should the Executive Committee be of the view that some of the proposals submitted to the Council should not be included on the agenda; the matter will be referred to the Council for a decision. Should it be decided that the Council will deal with the proposal(s), the Council must attempt to agree on a process for negotiating the proposals, which may include: the introduction of counter proposals; the establishment of a negotiating Committee; the appointment of a conciliator, if necessary, to facilitate; the negotiations and chair the meetings, and; the time table for negotiations.
    • Upon completion of the negotiation process and when the employer has tabled a signed final offer, the trade unions shall have twenty one 21 (twenty one) days within which to consider the draft agreement or offer on the table and revert to the Council at a meeting convened by the General Secretary.
    • The General Secretary shall within 5 (five) 5 working days of the signatures of the majority of the parties being attained, circulate the copy of a signed agreement to all parties to the Council.


The constitution of the Council, Resolution 2 of 2006, as amended, prescribes the governance of the Council.

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